Friday, November 21, 2008

Memories of an "ex-Mountie"

(posted November 21)
I worked at the Mount giving tours for several summers around 1986-1991 when I was home from college. As an English major, I loved the history of the place. I am so impressed with all the beautiful renovations! When I was there, Shakespeare & Co. still had their stage set up on the upper wall of the sunken garden. I remember taking a tour group through and opening up the door to the main salon and having a group of actors all lying on the floor saying, "Haaaaa! Haaaaa!" I loved showing guests the "fake" door in the library. One of my last experiences there was the other workers giving me a wedding shower in the dining room. The Mount has improved so much since I was there that it is a shame that it faces closure. It truly is a gem.